Monday, November 3, 2008

Tomorrow is a very important election between worthy candidates. Obama has said " We're one day away from change in America". As the candidates make moving speechs on the Election's Eve. Americans are making their decision on who to vote for the next day. While the rest of the world, is waiting for the turnout and rooting for the candidate they deem suitable. Some states have already voted, and the ballots that are cast are suggesting an advantage to Obama in Iowa, North Carolina, Colorado and Florida.Polls are saying Obama is winning 53 percent to 42 percent. In Florida, Obama spoke a sentence that moved all. " I have one word for you Florida: tomorrow.Well, this is going to be a tight race with two extremlely competitive candidates.
Interesting Facts
Obama has had a long term connection with the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now also known as Acorn but McCain cannot mention it, because he spoke at a conferece sponsered by Acorn.If you would like to get a proper update on the statistics go to Did you know that McCain made an appeal saying that the late votes of the soldiers overseas be counted. Who do you think is going to win? Find out tomorrow.
And please vote, one vote can change the polls, one vote can undo a war, one vote can stop the death of hundreds. Look either you vote, or you be quiet. I vote because i have a voice that wants to be heard. A soldier might vote because he wants to come home alive. No one has the right to silence you is what you might say, but by not voting you are silencing yourself. Let your voice be heard and declare yourself at There is a great video with celebrities endorsing it saying vote and why. Check it out.

1 comment:

  1. It is very sad how citizens in a democratic environment shoose to let someone else speak for them. Poor voter turn out in Canada recently shows just how dismissive we have become about politics. Voting is our right and as Canadians we enjoy many rights. My fear is that if we don't exercise our rights, they may be taken away and we may find ourselves in an even more scary political environment.

    I love your thoughts and opinions Jacqueline! Your voice is what gives me hope! Brava!
